Belgrade, 17 March 2019

Photo: Republika /

Aleksandar Vucic

The press service of the President of Russia

In the centre of Belgrade on Sunday, continuing anti-government protests, reports TASS. The protesters oppose the “authoritarian rule! President Aleksandar Vucic, accused him and the ruling Serbian progressive party in the suppression of media freedom. The opposition demands resignation Vucic and free and fair elections.

Protesters in Belgrade left the area of the presidential Palace and marched to the police station, where one of the detained activists.
With improvised scenes, the protesters turned Bosko Obradovic, who said that the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic left the presidential residence.

Meanwhile, he said, in Belgrade detained one of the protesters, who stormed in on Saturday in the building of the television station. He urged the protesters to move to the police station and demand the release of the detainee.
A cordon of riot police remained in front of the presidential residence.

Before that a few hundred people, nominated from Pioneer Park, went to the Palace of the President of Serbia, burst exhibited in front of the fences, police cordons and approached the entrance to the residence of the President. But there they were stopped by special forces of the gendarmerie.

The protesters formed a human ring around the presidential Palace, not to let Vucic from the residence. Around the building there were about 1 thousand of protesters. Their slogans are constantly changing: they demand resignation of the government and the President, urging the President to go out and seek people.

The Central part of the city are closed to vehicular traffic.

“We’re not leaving here, our people blocked all entrances. Now start the rally, we demand one thing: the resignation!”, said Bosko Obradovic.

On the eve of a few dozen protesters broke into the building of the national television of Serbia. Arrived at the special forces of the gendarmerie forced them out of the building.

According to the results of Saturday’s stock to the people appealed to the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, who promised that all the rioters will be held accountable. The leaders of the protests in Serbia began to lose support among the population, so “went to drastic measures,” said Vucic.

“The government has allowed the protests that were both declared and inconsistent. Everything that now occurs – an uncoordinated protest, illegal action, we all did not notice, until you get to violence. Their only problem was that every time we came, less people, last night at the peak of the action was 1584, and in the beginning and at the end – much less. Now they are even less 1023 a man, but the noise,” he said.

The Serbian leader said that the sponsors of the protest were “oligarchs”, whose financial crimes is investigating today’s Serbian authorities. These sponsors were unhappy with the decline in public support for the protest, which forced the protesters to go the extra mile.