Yulia liovochkina Nachalovo was not about two hours ago GMT. The singer died in intensive care.

According to sources, rossm, the provisional cause of her death was acute heart failure, occurring due to edema of the lungs and brain, reports “ДиалогUA”.

Nachalova died surrounded by loved ones, they did not depart from bed of the singer after her hospitalization on March 8.

As it became known, Nachalova died after a while after surgery, the doctors decided to amputate his leg. But the weakened body of the artist could not resist.

Only when Nachalova was hospitalized, the doctors hooked her to a ventilator. Nachalovo started swelling. But those close to the singer claimed that it is not.

Then in mass media there was information that the singer began to refuse internal organs, including the kidneys. Nachalova entered into a state of drug-induced coma from which she never came out.

The death of Nachalovo officially confirmed her father, and spokesman.

The singer left a minor daughter.

Recall that in the United States died, the singer of the Cranberries Dolores O Riordan.

We also learned about the death of a holder of multiple Grammy awards Natalie Cole.