In the house discovered an Arsenal of weapons.
Militiamen establish, where local resident undertook dangerous items photo UNIAN Odessa region as a result of a grenade explosion killed a man and his brother injured.

See also Kharkiv in a private home, a grenade exploded, there are victims (photos)

As reported the UNIAN in head Department of the national police in the Odessa region, the incident occurred today at about 10.00 am in a private house in one of villages of Zakharovskaya district.

The victims – two brothers, 28 and 31-year. The eldest of them died, the younger medical assistance.

“According to the wounded man, the explosion occurred when a brother was “playing” with a grenade. Now on a place works it is investigatory-operative group. During the inspection of the seized pieces of unexploded grenades. In addition, the household discovered the intact RGD-5 grenade and ammunition and TNT,” – said in the Chapter.

For their inspection and seizure police await bomb experts.

On the fact of illegal handling of weapons initiated criminal proceedings under part 1 of article 263 of the Criminal code. Also the question about entering data in the Unified register of pre-trial investigations under part 1 of article 115 (“premeditated murder”) the Criminal code of Ukraine with a mark “accident”.

Militiamen establish where the locals come from dangerous objects and circumstances of the event.