In the Kremlin, that’s paid dearly because of a lack of understanding of a simple truth: there are situations where there are certain laws established for centuries, and to intervene there, transfer processes in the “manual control” – to consciously create the enormous and sometimes insurmountable problems.
Because Russia very soon, there are very serious troubles due to the fact that the Kremlin made a bet on the gas trade as the basis of the Russian economy, writes the blogger Anti-colorados, reports “Диалог.UA”.
Creating a monopoly Gazprom, the condition of which depends the whole economy of Russia, the Kremlin has been highly imprudent. Also imprudent, as did the regime in Venezuela, living only upon external funding (including Russia) and, to the neglect of the infrastructure. The result was a blackout – the destruction of the country’s power grid. And Gazprom, and at the same time the Russian economy, may destroy the beginning of large-scale development of gas deposits located under the Mediterranean sea.
This gas will be for Europe more attractive, as its transportation cost much cheaper than transporting Siberian gas. And in the end, all this can result in the collapse of Gazprom.
“What is happening now in Venezuela, reminiscent of the human body, trapped under harsh experiment, whose goal was to improve it, to give it unusual properties and abilities. For this the experimenters decided to disable some parts of the brain, which, in their opinion, inhibit these abilities and skills. In the end, turned off and ran the liver, kidneys and other organs.
As a result, the body, which itself is balanced by itself and ruled it was not viable and remained afloat only because it connected the machines supporting his life. And now the experimenter himself is forced to track the frequency of contraction of the heart, respiration and other parameters. The fact that in the beginning of the experiment was self-regulating system was not working in principle, and dependent on the skill and attention of the experimenter. However, it is clear that to live in this body – will not.
Incidentally, the analogy with the body – not so fantastic. For example, one surely could answer the question about what Hitler did, what was its purpose? And interestingly, the answers about the Third Reich and the territory from the Urals to the Atlantic will have only a transitional character. In fact, Hitler laid the foundations for the creation of a new type of man.
The same was done in the scoop, but if Germany tried to create the ultimate warrior with phenomenal ability, scoop – neutered slave. It is clear that in Germany the task was much more complex. For this reason, there were identified two ways of achieving the goal – the evolutionary, breeding a pure Aryan race, and revolutionary – achieved by intervention in the human physiology.
Here they had a ruthless policy of destruction of all whom they considered “marriage” of mankind, and on the other hand, the secret structure of SS sold around the world in search of occult knowledge that was to provide supernatural powers to their new, clean person.
But tough and even cruel, deadly experiments with people, too, were subordinated to these goals. After the retreat of the Wehrmacht were found cemeteries, in which were the bodies with unusual surgical injuries. They were deadly and definitely made for research purposes. Incidentally, the pure Aryans, though not often, the Ahnenerbe also disemboweled the same way. One of these centers under our Nikolaev.
That is, all of this has been the result of all this activity is well known. Those are specially bred “pure Aryans”, who were in the collapsed Reich, did not show uniformly outstanding results even in something, and this experiment came to nothing, besides a huge number of people ditching. So this example is not attracted “for ears” and easily illustrates what is happening in Venezuela.
And there now is falling apart the energy system, and before that collapsed trade, food industry and everything that the person does not notice until it is operating normally. Now the army is engaged in the distribution of food, medicines and other necessities, since the population that can not buy because of lack of goods and money lost its purchasing power.
All this is because Savitsky mode offered his lumpenization population a deal to turn off their brain. The deal was simple – the population gives Chavez the power to, and he agrees to provide them well-fed and quiet life. But any interference in the work of the body, even across the country, sooner or later will end in disaster. Changes are inevitable at least because ruler disables the critical mechanisms of self-regulation, slinging them over his shoulders. The farther, the more these processes it is necessary to translate in “manual mode”, and in such a situation, any failure leads to irreversible and eventually fatal consequences.
In fact, manual control is allowed, but only for a short period in some kind of catastrophic situation caused by the objective reasons. Moreover, the purpose of manual control should not be maintaining this situation and restore the self-regulating functions of the state body. After that should follow the exit from manual mode, since the delay with the release – threatens the death of the entire system. Therefore, all those who directly or indirectly calls for manual control the country, in fact – her killer, and it must be clearly understood.
By the way, in Venezuela the situation with the blackout was simple to a disgrace. From a prolonged hot and dry weather caused forest fire that knocked out several lines of power transmission. Common energy system began to redistribute the load to other routes and those received unusually large load. Down began to leave the substation transformers, which are normally somehow cope with the load, but fell at high.
And then triggered a Domino effect. As recognized by the official responsible for this activity, the fire was just the trigger for a situation that was long overdue. 70% of the capacity of electricity distribution systems have long exhausted their resources and worked just the wear. The economy is operating in manual mode, always squeezing the last resources of all, including of equipment, because it is not self-regulating and self-sufficient system, honed for maximum efficiency.
It is in this, but the government never acknowledges his own guilt and find external causes – spies, saboteurs, and anyone else. But that’s about the way everything, not just energy, and there remains only two reasons that could lead to this state: either the population consists mainly of spies who have time everywhere, or the role of a spy played by the government, which organized the life of the country so that it goes to the disaster, having no mechanism of self-preservation, which took over the ruler or the dictator. In this case, really from the country already depends nothing, because it learned all the mechanisms of compensation of the situation.
Witnessing something like the collapse of the Venezuelan, but in larger sizes. Take just one example, of which there’s a huge number, though they all work in the same vein. Putin, during the years of his reign, made the giant Gazprom monopoly and turned it into manual control. In fact, the logo of the company is worth nothing, because he is the top management of Gazprom has repeatedly stated that he has the opportunity to shape the pricing policy or the terms of gas sales. Moreover, there is not even hide the fact that all these questions are given at the level of the government, which decides from the point of view of economic and political expediency.
In such circumstances, the main task of the company is to ensure its position on all markets. This problem was solved by laying new pipelines and delivery of complete control that is already running. The pipe has become not just a symbol of the Russian Federation and Gazprom, but the demonstrator achieve the goal by maximizing the monopolization of its own activities. Any options with “open source” was perceived in bayonets. It is first and foremost about LNG, which ceases to be a strategic resource and can be supplied already by any manufacturer.
Moscow raised the idea of competition is liquefied and pipeline gas, but over time, the situation began to improve, and since Moscow is drawn to the most expensive options of gas – subsea, LNG has become closer in price to a gas pipeline, for longer distances LNG shipping has become cheaper to deliver gas to pipeline. This became especially noticeable after the beginning of the shale revolution in the United States.
To neutralize competitors, was thrown huge forces and means, started three wars, and all in order to convince consumers that the gas pipeline is the best that you can think of and Russian pipeline gas even more. Not to say that these efforts have not been successful, and the Russian arguments about the tubular gas are used by the leaders of the European States. Although everyone knows that Moscow is promoting initially uncompetitive businesses operating in manual mode. And not just in the manual and it is controlled by Putin. But it seems that here now begins an analogue of a forest fire that collapsed venezuelano the grid.
Literally the winter of this year, were confirmed huge gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean sea. In fact, his whole pool is located on a gas cushion and its mining is not virtually no problems. And the funny part here is that from the gas fields, it is not difficult to build gas pipelines for the whole of South-Eastern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Among other things, Egypt has the capacity for natural gas liquefaction, idle in the absence of raw materials, but the situation is beginning to change rapidly. But exploration there is not yet finished and already starting to be reported that there also has oil deposits.
The is pipeline gas, its reliability and low cost, is now beginning to play, and the funny thing is, she has no arguments to call it a gamble to block the production and laying of gas pipelines – are not possible, as there operates the US Sixth fleet and the largest Navy in the regional countries, and even within the NATO bloc.
As it happens, a manual system stumbles on something unexpected banality and begins to uncontrollably crumble. It seems that Muscovy will destroy exactly what she fought for, what we ran,” writes the blogger.
Earlier it became known about a major problem that threatens the Russian economy.
We will remind, the Kremlin for the Russians prepared heavy blow.