In Moscow, police and emergency workers rescued five-year-old girl whose mother left in the apartment unattended for a few days. The house was littered with debris. The girl herself was exhausted, she, according to preliminary data, has no social skills, and the neck discovered buried in the skin decoration, said the Investigative Committee. The Department also noted that concerning mother criminal case under article “Attempt at murder”. Now she is detained.

Law enforcement officers found an abandoned mother of five-year-old girl in the apartment houses on the Leningrad highway in the Northern administrative district of Moscow. This was reported by the press service of the Main Department of the MIA of Russia in the capital.

“On March 10, 2019 in the service “02” received a message about the wailing and the cries of a child in one of the apartments on the Leningrad highway. On the scene promptly arrived the police, which were found to be in the apartment alone without supervision is a child”, — is spoken in the message.

It is noted that in the shortest possible time the police, with the assistance of the Ministry of emergency situations opened the door and entered the apartment.

“The door was urgently opened with the help of emergency workers. The child was transferred to the medical institution. Promptly, were installed and delivered to the Department of the interior Ministry, the girl’s mother,” — said the police.

The office organized a check into the incident.

In turn, the press service of the Main investigatory management SK across Moscow declared “urgent criminal proceedings” on the grounds of crime under part 3 of article 30 and part 2 of article 105 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Attempt at murder”). This decision was taken at the direction of the acting head of the Moscow GSU SK of Andrew Strizhova.

“The apartment houses, located on the Leningrad highway in Moscow, discovered a five year old girl, previously with the lack of social skills, signs of anorexia. Also on the neck of the girl was discovered buried in the skin decoration. According to neighbors, the child’s mother was absent from home for a few days. The baby is delivered in resuscitation of one of city hospitals”, — is spoken in the press release of the Ministry.

As explained in SK, the mother of the child has been detained and questioned to establish the circumstances and causes of the incident.

“In the course of a criminal investigation will give a legal assessment to actions of officials of bodies of guardianship and guardianship of the city of Moscow for the proper exercise of control over living conditions of a minor”, — noted in SK.

The Ministry also issued a video inspection of the apartment, which shows that it is littered with debris in piles of trash and dirt.

The situation of the abandoned girl is already under the control of Ombudsman for children Anna Kuznetsova. As reported by the commissioners for the rights of the child, investigated the circumstances of the incident. “The baby is in the hospital, it is necessary medical care”, — stated in the message in Facebook.


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“They said that the baby’s fine”

Meanwhile, began to appear details about the girl’s mother. As reported RT in the senior entrance, pensioner Lyudmila Serjantova, the woman’s name is Irina, 46 years old, she lived in the house, located at Leningradskoe shosse, 134, since its construction in 1978.

The question, in what condition was the girl who was rescued from the debris of the apartment, the pensioner said that the child was “Mowgli”, “She didn’t say anything, just cried. Start to cry, when she began to wash in the hospital.”

According to her, she was taken in Tushino district hospital, she is in the infectious ward.

The Concierge of the house Galina noticed that lived in the apartment, the woman allegedly hasn’t been home for a few days, but always said that her baby was all right.

“Very rarely came, and I know that the child was there, the neighbors heard the cry before, not the first time she left her. But the fact that she coached the garbage home, I have never seen,” said Galina.

As told one of the tenants, the last time she saw the child about half a year ago. According to her, the mother of all questions are answered, that the girl is or aunt, or sister, or the babysitter.

“My husband and I took the girl to the hospital. She is now in a satisfactory condition, if I may say so. Doctors removed the elastic band, which is rooted in the neck, had taken the tests. The staff says it’s okay, girl socialities, tries to play with toys,” said a neighbor named Helen.

Another neighbor said that from childhood knew Irina and her parents, but after their death she is only occasionally able to communicate with a woman.

“Closely enough one time talked, I helped her, even it happened that washed things for her and the baby, but then she just stopped even saying Hello, she snorted in response, it is unclear why, because there is nothing wrong she did,” added a neighbor named Olga.