Estonian transport platform for call cars Taxify changed its name to Bolt and presents the new logo. About it reports a press-service of the company.
According to Bolt, the change in brand reflects the broader vision of the company, which started to work as a service call cars and motorcycles, and then launched a service to rent scooters and plans to expand the product line.
“Taxify was founded 5 years ago. The company’s mission is to make getting around the city convenient and affordable. Our first service was a service call cars, hence the name. We have consistently adhered to the company’s mission, the platform has evolved and later became its name. We strive to solve transport problems, offering new services, and would also like to see our brand reflects the company’s future”, — said CEO and co-founder of Bolt Marcus Willig.
The company noted that the name Bolt symbolizes fast, dynamic movement.
“It’s a way to get around by car, scooter or public transport. In English the bolt is a flash of lightning. In addition, the name emphasizes the belief that the future of electric transport”, — stated in the message.
Taxify is an international transportation network company founded and located in Tallinn, Estonia. The company develops and uses the mobile app Taxify, which allows people to call a taxi or a private driver from your smartphone as well as electric scooters under the brand name of Bolt.
Recall that in 2018 Taxify raised $175 million investment, the leader among the investors was the car company Daimler, which includes Mercedes-Benz. The company said that they would use the investment to further develop its online service in the cities of Europe and Africa. One of the key markets for expansion will be Ukraine.
For the first time on the Ukrainian market the company entered in 2016, then it ran its business through partners. Some time later, the company curtailed its activities. In an interview co-founder Martin Villig explained that this was due to high competition in the market (both in Ukraine has reached two major players: Yandex.Taxis and Uber — ed.) as well as insufficient competencies of partners in the transport sector.
At the end of last year Taxify has announced expansion of business in Ukraine and the launch of the service in Kharkov.