On the highway Kiev – Odessa detained the car Ukrainian DAF registration, during the inspection which discovered 136 thousand packs of cigarettes of the Belarusian production.
During the inspection found 136 thousand packs of cigarettes of the Belarusian production / photo Odessa region militiamen detained the smuggled consignment of cigarettes worth more than 4 million UAH.

As reported the UNIAN in a press-service of the southern regional administration of State border service of Ukraine, cigarettes detained today by the interdepartmental group composed of the operatives of the office, the SBU and the SFS under the procedural management of Prosecutor’s office in Odessa region.

Read takeachance border guards have detained a smuggler who is wanted in Romania

“On the road Kiev – Odessa detained the car DAF Ukrainian registration. During his inspection discovered 136 thousand packs of cigarettes of the Belarusian production. Any documents at them was not” – govoritsya in the message.

Now tobacco products, the preliminary cost of which exceeds UAH 4 million, transferred to prosecutors.

Ongoing operational activities.