Length mascara more than two meters. A strange creature thrown on the coast of southern California.

According to CNN, local initially mistook the creature for the fish-moon. But later it became clear that the dead individual is a sun fish, not found in North America, reports “Диалог.UA”.

Despite the fact that the fish was a shock, it nevertheless attracted not only ordinary people but also scientists. The latter was surprised at the size of the carcass.

In addition, the researchers were very surprised that the fish, which can be found off the coast of New Zealand, crossed the equator, swim so far.

While in the scientific world there is no consensus regarding fish. Experts cannot come to a consensus about whether this fish away from home, or she is part of the whole population.

Now the experts will analyze and compare the discovered monster with those individuals that are found in New Zealand.

Scientists want to find out this is an isolated case, or in the United States should wait for the new representatives of sun fish.

Recall, residents of the Philippines was struck by six hairy mutant.

Add eyeless river monster scared Liverpool.