Church in the village Yelyzavetivka was originally built by the supporters of the UOC-KP. Now he “returned to home port.”

Parish Church in honor of the Holy Trinity in the village Novoielyzavetivka Shiryaevo district of Odessa region decision of the community was transferred to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine of Moscow Patriarchate, reports “Duma”.

The relevant decision was by a majority vote taken at a meeting of the parish held on Saturday 16 February. This is the only Orthodox Church in the village, which was built in 1996. Until 2002, the Church belonged to the UOC-KP. However, according to available information, the parish priest of deception turned the Church under the Russian Church. And now, after many years, the decision of the villagers to the temple, “returned to home port.”

We will remind, the first Orthodox parish in the Odessa oblast passed into ptsu 21 January 2019. This happened in the village of Balta district Puzhaikove. Since such news come from the South of Ukraine one after another. So, on January 26 this transition was carried out by believers of a whole district together with the rural Dean.