The border guards told us that Yuri Charon flew on their own, without coercion, but promised to return.
The guards did not let in Ukraine of the former Bishop of the UOC-MP Gideon / photo
Bishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate Gideon, who the day before were not allowed in Ukraine, flew back to Frankfurt.
This was announced by the representative of state frontier service Oleg Slobodyan Facebook. “This morning, at 6:30, Yury Haron (Bishop Gideon) flew the return flight to Frankfurt. Flew on their own, without coercion, in good health and spirits. Promised to return),” wrote said.
Border guards have also shown the video of the flight. “Who will find armed gunmen – special prize”, – said Slobodyan.
However, on the Charon page in Facebook there was a message that “the Lord was deported to the United States.” “It led to the plane by armed gunmen as a criminal”, – stated in the message.
As is known, on 13 February, the border guards in the capital airport “Borispol” do not miss the Bishop of the UOC-MP Yuri Charon in Ukraine, saying that he has the citizenship of several countries, and also that he was engaged in anti-Ukrainian propaganda.