Some fans criticized the romantic image of the singer.
Lorak appeared in a romantic way / photosОпальная Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak showed fans a new gentle way.

Read tagesaktuelle rolls: Ani Lorak surprised in a new way (photo)

The artist has published in Instagram. In the frame of Ani Lorak posing in a pink coat and with a gentle makeup. Hair neatly arranged, on the lips, a barely noticeable smile.

Under the image the singer has announced a tour with the show “Diva” 5 Feb.

But there were those who criticized the appearance Lorak: “a transvestite lorac similar”, “What wig?”, “The old lady”.

Earlier UNIAN reported that the Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak, who lives in Russia, spent her vacation in Miami, the Russian singer Sergey Lazarev.