Scientists warn that in 2019, humanity will face a lot of shocks, including the global natural disaster that may lead to death.
At the moment in the scientific community discusses the two most popular theories about the Apocalypse this year, reports “Диалог.UA”.
As you know, after the end of 2018 Nibiru hiding, experts said about moving the date of Armageddon in 2019. Now the end of the world scheduled for February 1, and will bring him a deadly asteroid.
It is a very dangerous asteroid 2002-NT7. Astronomers are carefully watching him and argue that the approach of Land 1 Feb to mankind can be fatal. This time the convergence is very close, the level of risk experts say how high.
World’s scientists call this the asteroid the most disastrous in the entire history of observations, it has a diameter of 2 kilometers. And if, for example, 2002-NT7 will fall into the ocean, a tsunami will be devastating. But if the asteroid will hit the Earth, such an impact can be equated to an explosion of a hundred nuclear bombs. Can be destroyed the whole continent, our planet will be covered by a massive cloud of dust, and this will entail climate change and provoke global warming.
At the moment the exact trajectory of the asteroid is unknown, but astronomers are convinced: 2002-NT7 will pass this time very close to our planet.
On global warming scientists say over the last 20 years.
They can’t mention the exact cause of large-scale climate change. According to one theory, global warming has led maximum for the entire studied period (800 million years) the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere of the planet. For example, in 2018, the CO2 concentration has reached 410 ppm (parts per million — ppm), not a little frightened climatologists. Now they are predicting that doomsday is not far off, the planet will not be able to withstand unbelievably high temperatures.
At the same time, experts remind about the Mayan prophecy about the end of the world.
It is worth Recalling that the Mayan calendar ended on 2012, according to what many scientists have concluded that was supposed to happen the end of the world. However, experts in the field of history and religion, said that representatives of the Mayans were wrong and could be wrong by as much as seven years.
According to the recalculation, the world would end on 1 February because of an asteroid, and on December 29, 2019.
Alternative scientists believe that this will be the second coming of Christ. Conspiracy theorists insist that our planet is still faced with a deadly Nibiru.
Was previously named all the signs of the Apocalypse.
We will remind, the scientists explained, why mankind can not be avoided Armageddon.