The USA and several Latin American countries have already announced support for the opposition leader, Juan Guido as President of Venezuela.
In Venezuela’s political crisis / photos

In Venezuela, 10 January, took place the inauguration of the President Nicolas Maduro. He became President for the second time, after the elections of 20 may 2018. Venezuela CEC announced the victory of the incumbent President, who won about 70% of the vote. Thus, nicolás Maduro secured a tenure as President of Venezuela until 2025. This marked the beginning of mass riots and attempt of regime change in the country.

Preconditions to the beginning of the crisis

During his first term, Maduro turned Venezuela from one of the most promising countries of the region in the economically backward state, which suppressed freedom of speech and opposition, and which the international community imposes sanctions.

Within five years, the GDP of Venezuela fell by 45%, while inflation amounted to 2 007 563 646%. Country almost every month to raise the minimum wage, but through currency devaluation now it is about $ 10.

Due to the difficult social conditions of the country have left nearly 3 million people. In 2018, emigration was greatly accelerated – travel daily about 5.5 thousand Venezuelans. According to UN projections to the end of the year the total number of immigrants from Venezuela may reach $ 5 million.

The beginning of the escalation of the conflict

After the CEC announced the victory of Venezuela Maduro, most countries in South America, the USA and even the country’s Parliament unanimously declared that do not recognize the legitimacy of the President. Countries that have not recognized the victory, withdrew their ambassadors from Caracas and the United States imposed additional economic sanctions and demanded to hold new elections.

Venezuela has stirred up mass protests. The country’s Parliament who now heads the opposition, Maduro acknowledged the “usurper” and urged countries to freeze the access of the government of Maduro to the accounts in foreign banks. The only legitimate head of Venezuela’s parliamentarians called speaker of the National Assembly 35-year-old Juan, Guido.

Events began to unfold more rapidly than: the opposition leader Juan Guido declared himself President of Venezuela, national Assembly declared, Guido acting President of the country.

Who recognized the new President of Venezuela , Guido


The US immediately recognized the legitimacy of Guido. A statement released by the White house.

Secretary of state Mike Pompeo, in turn, called on Maduro to transfer power to the young opposition. “The people of Venezuela is quite long suffered from the destructive dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro. We call for Maduro to give up the post legitimate leader that shows good will of the Venezuelan people,” – said U.S. Secretary of state.

Eleven countries-members of the “Group of Lima” also expressed support, Guido. “The governments of Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay and Peru… recognize and Express their full support to the President of the National Assembly Juan, Guido, which has assumed the liabilities of the Venezuelan President in accordance with constitutional rules,” the organization said in a statement.

#23E 11:40 AM Concentración de la oposición de #Venezuela. Detractores de @NicolasMaduro piden su salida del poder y proponen a @jguaido como presidente interino.

— Jorge L Pérez Valery (@perezvalery) January 23, 2019

Who is left on the side of Maduro

The Mexican government did not appreciate the “attempt to seize power in Venezuela by Juan Huidai” and recognize the current head of state, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

“The Mexican government continues to recognize Nicolas Maduro President of Venezuela,” – said the representative of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Mexico, Robert Velasco. His words leads edition “Financiero”, quoted WREN.

Its support for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in connection with the situation had already been expressed by the President of Bolivia, Evo Morales.

Also on the support of the President of Venezuela announced in Russia. This was announced by the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Andrei Klimau.

The number of supporters of Maduro in the region joined in Cuba. “We Express full support and solidarity of Cuba’s legitimate President Nicolas Maduro the face of the coup attempt. The sovereign will of the Venezuelan people will prevail over imperialist intervention. History will condemn those who encourages and recognizes the conspirator”, — said the head of the Cuban foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez.

Nicolas Maduro

The Minister of defense of Venezuela Vladimir Padrino Lopez said that the army did not recognize the speaker of Parliament Juan, Guido President. About this he wrote on his Twitter page, reports local newspaper El Nacional.

“Despair and intolerance threaten the peace of the nation. The soldiers of the Motherland do not accept the President imposed in the shadow of obscure interests, or self-proclaimed outside the law”, – said Vladimir Padrino Lopez.

The Minister added that the Bolivarian national armed forces “defend our Constitution and guarantee of national sovereignty”.

Position of the European institutions
Europe on the side of Guida / photo UNIAN

EU high representative for foreign Affairs and security policy Federica Mogherini and European Council President Donald Tusk supported the Venezuelan Parliament.

“The EU fully supports the National Assembly as a democratically elected institution, whose powers must be restored and respected. Civil rights, freedom and safety of all members of the National Assembly, including its Chairman, Huang Guide must be observed and fully respected,” – said Mogherini.

In turn, the President of the European Council Donald Tusk has said that he considers illegitimate the mandate of the President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro.

“I hope that Europe will unite in support of democratic forces in Venezuela. Unlike Maduro, the parliamentary Assembly, including Juan, Guido, has a democratic mandate from the Venezuelan people,” – said Tusk.

The President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani expressed support for Juan, Guido as acting President of the country, saying its legitimacy.

“I have been closely following events in Venezuela. Guido, has democratic legitimacy, unlike Maduro. You must respect the demonstrations and freedom of expression of people, tired of hunger and suffer from the tyranny of Maduro,” writes Tajani on Twitter.

The rupture of diplomatic relations with USA

Nicolas Maduro announced the severance of diplomatic relations with the United States, after the administration, trump acknowledged opposition leader Juan Guido interim President of this country.

Speaking to supporters outside the presidential Palace in Caracas, Maduro said that gives U.S. diplomats 72 hours to leave Venezuela.

In turn, the leader of the opposition of Venezuela Juan Guido said that the country does not intend to break diplomatic relations with other States.

“On the basis of the powers given me by the Constitution, to inform the heads of all diplomatic missions and all who are in Venezuela diplomats that our government wants to maintain a diplomatic presence in our country,” said Guido.

Further developments in Venezuela: protests and the victims

Protests in Venezuela /

The national guard of Venezuela has set armored vehicles in the capital municipality of Chacao, according to local newspaper El Nacional.

The newspaper noted that in the municipality of Chacao, an opposition leader Juan Guido declared himself head of the country.

The victims of the protests in Venezuela were 16 people, more than 150 detained.

In the States of Portuguesa, Barinas, Tachira, Caracas, Amazonas, Bolivar in total in clashes killed 16 people.

It is reported by Interfax, citing local media.

According to the head of the NGO “criminal forum” Alfredo Romero, published on Twitter, only 152 people had been arrested since the beginning of protests in Venezuela.

The media has reported about the massive transformation of the military and militarized police in Caracas on the side of the demonstrators. Trump, in turn, has declared that does not exclude any scenario in respect of Caracas. Probably the United States is ready to provide not only political support for the speaker of Parliament.