The leader of the Venezuelan opposition called on the army to side with the “Constitution and people”

Juan Guaidó / Twitter

The ouster of the President of the National Assembly of Venezuela Juan Guido, addressing the participants of the protests, which take place on Wednesday in many towns
of the country, said a historic opportunity for Venezuelans to show
ourselves as a nation.

“Today is a historic moment for our country. Civilians, politicians, soldiers, let’s show ourselves as a people throughout Venezuela,” wrote Guido in his microblog on Twitter. According to him, in order to changes in country needs to stop the usurpation of power to appoint the transitional government and declare free elections. However, he urged the army to “take the side of the Constitution and the people.”

The opposition convened the residents of Caracas and other cities to protest against President Nicolas Maduro. In the capital Caracas people
collected in nine different locations around the city, then to pass a single
column, reports “Interfax”.

According to Guido, on the morning of 23 January, mass demonstrations began in the cities of Caracas, Valencia, Barquisimeto, Maraca, San Cristobal. The opposition politician has also published photos from the event.

Barinas, Aragua, Bolivar, Nueva Esparta y hoy se levanta en una sola voz, se levanta y respalda a su legítima @AsambleaVE #GritemosConBrio

— Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) 23 Jan 2019.

The opposition timed the action to the anniversary of the overthrow of the dictatorship of President Perez Jimenez in 1958. “23 Jan 1958 – one of the most important days in our history. On this day, Venezuelans, fighting, dropped the dictatorship of pérez jiménez and restored democracy in the country and freedom,” – wrote in his microblog on Twitter Deputy of the opposition National Assembly, Miguel Pizarro.

The reason for a new wave of protests, the events in Caracas earlier this week: a riot, organized group of employees of the National guard in one of the capital’s barracks, dispersal with tear gas on demonstrators who took to the street in support of the rebels, the dismissal of the head of the National Assembly (Parliament) of the country of Juan, Guido.

President Nicolas Maduro, in turn, urged supporters to conduct response actions, reports TASS. “Men and women of the homeland, peace of mind, consciousness and the maximum national mobilization is essential to protect peace and stability in Venezuela. Stand up for our sovereignty and condemn fascism. The street belongs to the people!” – wrote in his Twitter the head of the Bolivarian Republic.

On Tuesday, President Maduro also called on the population to peacefully participate in demonstrations. “All who come [in the demonstrations], let them [pursuing them] peacefully… Imperialism wants to unleash violence, wants clashes between Venezuelans who want to [provoke] the chaos, hoping to divide Venezuela,” said Maduro. He also pointed out that the country “there are right-wing political groups that operate in the interests of imperialism.”

The President assured that his government has taken “all precautions” before January 23. “Do what you want, but [in the country] will be stored sovereignty, peace, the Constitution and the Bolivarian revolution,” said Maduro. He pointed out that you must have “nerves of steel, calm and sanity” during the country’s upcoming demonstrations.

Security forces announced the “neutralization of terrorists” who were preparing a provocation with the participation of the United States

A division of the Venezuelan army, together with security personnel neutralized a group of three people who had planned to carry out provocations during the demonstration organized by the opposition. The operation was carried out on Tuesday in the South-Western state of Zulia, reports TASS with reference to the commander of the Western military district of Venezuela Fabio Savarese.

“During a joint operation by the army and security services of the state of Zulia managed to neutralize a terrorist group consisting of three people,” – said Savarese. He noted that “terrorists” clashed with members of the spaclub, which has managed to “neutralize” and currently “under investigation with the aim of drawing other members of the group”. According to the results of the operation, seized “submachine gun with a silencer, a pistol, three hand grenades, 200 rounds of 9 mm caliber, three [sets] of military uniforms and two cell phones”.

According to Savarese, members of the identified group, probably wanted to “go out [on the street] during the protest rallies on January 23, dressed in a military uniform, to provoke acts of violence and to create a false impression (of the involvement of the military attack on protesters – Approx. TASS)”.

The message about the operation in Zulia followed soon after by the Minister of communication and information of Venezuela, Jorge Rodriguez said that the country’s authorities know about the intention to provoke violence during the demonstrations of the opposition, the upcoming Wednesday. According to him, the guidance of opposition leaders allegedly gave the Vice-President of the United States Michael Pence.

Earlier Pens has released a video message in support of the upcoming in Venezuela, protests against the current President Nicolas Maduro. In it, in particular, the Vice-President expressed “unwavering support” of the United States to the Venezuelan people, who “defended freedom.”

The majority of the Venezuelan parliamentarians are in opposition to Nicolas Maduro.
According to first Deputy Chairman of the Venezuelan Parliament Stalin Gonzalez, the protest must be part of the “great output”, required Venezuela to the country was able to end the crisis.

Venezuela is living in a state of protracted crisis in the social sphere,
the economy and politics. Recently for a second term in the country have joined the President
Nicolas Maduro, whose election many countries have recognized the illegitimate.

In the country the protests continue and unrest, which in the night of Wednesday killed four people. One juvenile died in Caracas from a gunshot wound. Three people were killed in Bolivar state in the South-East of the Republic.

In 2017 Venezuela for several months, was rocked by anti-government protests, which killed at least 120 people, thousands injured, more than five thousand people were arrested.