Robert Forsman (Foresman)


Banker Robert Foresmans victory Donald trump on the US presidential election of 2016 tried to get an audience in the White house under the pretext of the presence of his close ties with the Trustees of the Russian leadership. On Tuesday, told the American broadcaster ABC, citing informed sources, reports TASS.

Foresman, is now Vice President of the investment division of Swiss Bank UBS, worked for five years in Moscow, the head of the Russian investment Fund. The name of the banker was quoted in the schedule of meetings of Thomas Barrack, who after the elections met the transition headquarters of the trump, and stood after the name of his son-in-law and now a senior adviser to the President Jared Kushner.

Barrack in the calendar determined Foresman how to contact Hollywood producer Mark Burnett, familiar with the trump reality show “the Apprentice” (The Apprentice).

Barraca meeting with the banker was cancelled, but the last in January 2017, has achieved a meeting with Lieutenant-General Michael Flynn, who later was appointed and then dismissed the assistant to the President for national security.

Foresman in December 2016, according to the broadcaster, also met in new York with the ex-Chairman of Vnesheconombank Sergey Gorkov, the topic of conversation was a certain litigation affecting the oil industry of the Russian Federation.

The material ABC also provides extracts from dated January 9, 2017 of the petition of attorney Robert Gor Pisa, obosnovyvaetsya failure to provide financial documentation to the Committee on intelligence of the Senate of the U.S. Congress.

According to the broadcaster, the Congress was interested in Foresman because of its long-standing and close business ties with the Kremlin. The banker, according to ABC, could be familiar with Matthias Bernigau, who retired in December last year, resigned from the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company “RUSAL”, and also with the head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin.

US intelligence agencies believe that Russia intervened in the American elections in 2016. The investigation on this matter has spent more than a year spectacular Robert Mueller.

At the end of last year, broadcaster CNN reported that 16 people from the entourage of the incumbent President of the United States could maintain any contacts with the Russians, or in connection with the authorities of the Russian people during the election campaign in the country or in the period of transfer of power the current administration. This list includes the former head of the electoral headquarters of the trump by Paul Manafort, a former adviser to trump during the election campaign, Richard gates, Flynn, a former associate of the head of state, Michael Cohen, and others.

Trump and his aides have repeatedly rejected suspicions of any improper contacts with officials of the Russian Federation in the period of the election campaign. Moscow many times rejected allegations of attempts to influence the elections in the United States.