In Odessa police officer beaten for stopping offending carPhoto: Press service of the interior Ministry

The law enforcement traumatic brain injury and chest trauma

22.01.19 244000

Three young inhabitants of Odessa was severely beaten by police who stopped the car-the infringer.

This reports the press service of the police in the Odessa region.

The driver who was stopped for not turning on the light of the turn signal when making a maneuver, first has responded to legitimate demands of police abuse, and waiting for the help of two friends, together with them attacked the police with fists.

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A law enforcement officer with a traumatic brain injury and chest trauma and was hospitalized. Three offenders Odessa 28 and 35 years and 35-year resident of the area – was arrested and taken in Malinovsky police Department.

On this fact data were entered in the Unified register of pre-judicial investigations.

The suspects were detained. To them threatens till five years of imprisonment.

We will remind, two men in balaclavas attacked a police officer in Kharkiv.

The victim came out of the door, he was approached by two unknown men. The attackers hit the man and fired several shots from an unidentified weapon in the head, then fled the scene by car a dark color. A police officer was in serious condition.