Suspect hitting two children in the Odessa region was found hanged

KIEV. 16 Jan. UNN. This morning, January 16, a man probably made arrival on the minor in the village Laterally in the Odessa region, found hanged. It is reported by UNN citing the press service of Lyubashevsky police Department in Odessa region.

“This morning, relatives of a man who allegedly made arrival on the minor, was found hanged in the outbuildings of a joint homeownership,” – said in the message.

According to police, the deceased was 46-year-old resident of the village Laterally. According to relatives, he allegedly told them about hitting on girls and wanting to commit suicide.

Circumstances of incident are established. The issue of entering data in the Unified register of pretrial investigations under part 1 St. 115 (premeditated murder) of the Criminal code of Ukraine marked “suicide.”

As reported UNN, the driver hit two girls in the village Laterally in the Odessa area, abandoned the car and ran away. The victims were taken to the hospital with multiple injuries.