The rally in memory of the mayor of Gdansk Pavel Adamovich, mortally wounded with a knife during a charity concert on January 13, left thousands of poles. Meanwhile, it is reported that the accused in the murder have pleaded guilty

Freeze video Maciej Sandecki /

The rally in memory of the mayor of Gdansk Pavel Adamovich, mortally wounded with a knife during a charity concert on January 13, left thousands of poles. Meanwhile, it is reported that the accused in the murder have pleaded guilty.

A commemoration event was held on the evening of January 14. Citizens came out to protest against hatred and violence. “Stop the hate. Stop the violence. Thousands of people honor the memory of the late Paul Adamovich”, – stated in the message of the city hall of gdańsk in Twitter city. Photos from a crowded streets spread through the Internet.

Stop nienawiści. Stop przemocy. Tysiące ludzi czci pamięć zmarłego Prezydenta Gdańska – Pawła Adamowicza ???? fot. Aerovideo

— Miasto Gdańsk (@gdansk) January 14, 2019

In social networks also posted a video from the rally:

A few hours after the death of Adamovich people began to bring flowers and candles to the building where the victim worked the mayor.

Późnej Mimo pory, Miasta przy Urzędzie wciąż kilkadziesiąt osób. Wciąż przybywa kwiatów i zniczy. Gdańsk żegna prezydenta Pawła Adamowicza… #Gdansk #Adamowicz #RIP

— Robert Silski (@robert_silski) January 14, 2019

Spontaneous memorial services were held yesterday in many cities of Poland. In Gdansk per share came to 16 thousand people, including the President of the European Council Donald Tusk and former Polish President Lech Walesa, reports “Rain”.

Morze ludzi w @gdansk wiecu na przeciwko przemocy

— (@Trojmiasto_pl) January 14, 2019

In Warsaw declared three days of mourning, announced in Twitter the mayor of the Polish capital Rafal Tjacowski. “The decision of the mayor of Warsaw in the capital will be declared three days of mourning 15, 16 and 17 of January”, – stated in the message.

The city will turn off all festive illumination, while the high-rise Palace of culture and science highlighted the colors of the flag of Gdansk, said “Interfax” with reference to Polish TV channel TBN24. Tjacowski addressed to citizens with an appeal to these three days were days of reflection.

The action of memory in Warsaw:

Czasem milczenie jest ważniejsze niż setki słów.

Marsz Milczenia Warszawa Gdańska Prezydenta pamięci Pawła Adamowicza.

— Katarzyna Lubnauer (@KLubnauer) January 14, 2019

Protest against the aggression in Lodz:

Residents of @Miasto_Lodz gathered in the center protesting against #aggression. They honored the memory of the #murder.ed #president of @Gdansk Prayers were recited by the pastor of the #Evangelical church, a #Catholic priest and the #rabbi od #Lodz

— Citybreaker (@Lodz_citybreak) January 14, 2019

About 700 citizens gathered in the Central square of Lublin:

Lublin pożegnał prezydenta Gdańska Pawła Adamowicza. Na placu Łokietka pojawiło się ok 700 mieszkańców.

— Sebastian Białach (@sebabialach) January 14, 2019


— Bożena Lisowska (@bozenalisowska) January 14, 2019

The action of memory in wrocław:

Wrocławianie zaczynaja zbierać się na pl. Nowy Targ. Zapalają znicze ku pamięci Pawła zabitego Adamowicza @OnetWiadomosci

— Tomasz Pajączek (@TomaszPajaczek) January 14, 2019

Tu wszyscy Jesteśmy razem. Takich, rozświetlonych światłem zniczy miejsc jest wiele tego wieczoru w całej Polsce. Wrocławianie oddają Cześć Pamięci Panu Prezydentowi Pawłowi Adamowiczowi.#Światełko #PawelAdamowicz

— Cezary Przybylski (@PrzybylskiCez) January 14, 2019

Accused of the murder of the mayor of Gdansk pleaded not guilty

The man who inflicted the fatal stab wounds to the mayor of Gdansk Pavel Adamovich, on interrogation in office of public Prosecutor pleaded not guilty in the murder of a politician, reports TASS with reference to the press-Secretary of the district Prosecutor Grażyna, Vavrinyuk.

According to her, the 27-year-old resident of Gdansk, detained after the attack on the mayor, charged with “murder, a motive which deserves special condemnation.”

The Prosecutor’s office appealed to court with request to apply to the accused preventive measure in the form of a temporary arrest. Also with him will work a psychiatrist.

Defendant Stephen V. attacked the mayor of Gdansk on Sunday evening, February 13, during a charity concert. He burst on the scene and was hit several times with a knife policy. After that, the attacker took the microphone and started yelling that he was illegally convicted. As it turned out later, he spent several years in prison for Bank robberies and suffers from mental illness.

The mayor underwent surgery that lasted five hours. However, the doctors were powerless, and on Monday Adamovich died in the hospital.