Photos CROC ate the scientist who came to feed him.

Reptile with a length of over 5 m stood up on his hind legs, climbed over the wall height in half its growth and pounced on a woman

14.01.19 381000

In Indonesia, the crocodile is named Mary while nursing ate the scientist-biologist Daisy Towa.

The tragedy occurred on January 11. Daisy went to feed Mary living research laboratory. Reptile with a length of over 5 m presumably stood up on his hind legs, climbed over the wall height in half its growth and attacked the woman, reports the Daily Mail.

Colleagues found in the pool the remains of Tuva and called rescuers. They managed to catch the remains of the body of water, although Mary did not made to do so.

  • See ALSO: IN Uganda, the residents leave the village because of the attacks of hungry crocodiles

She was caught and sent to the study of the stomach contents.

Previously, the crocodile showed aggression towards their own kind, but people are not attacked, but, as you can see…

We will remind, in India of the crocodile-survivor came to bury 500 people. Reptile named Gangaram died Tuesday, January 8. The villagers Benamocarra in the state of Chhattisgarh found the body of a crocodile in a local pond. Examined him and came to the conclusion that Gangaram died of old age. He was 130 years old.