British media reported that on mount Ararat in Turkey, scientists have been able to find the remains of Noah’s ark, marking the discovery of new evidence.

It is reported LIGA news.

Was published on the eve of the documentary film,
which the researcher was able to climb onto a large rock in Turkey and make
an incredible discovery.


Journalists report that, in 1955, entrepreneur
from France with her son was able to get onto one of the slopes of the mountain, trying
to locate the Ark.

They managed to find in the crevice
glacier is an amazing find.

However, officially released the information
not everyone agrees.

Journalists are reminded that Noah’s ark is
the Bible describes a vessel by which God could save Noah, his family and animals from the flood. According to the fourth verse of the eighth Chapter of Genesis,
after the flood, Noah’s ark moored in the mountains of Ararat.

Previously, scientists found Noah’s ark in a very unusual place.