The company noted that the AVK debt to creditors is $ 160 million, but no one will give debt – the business is ruined.
AVK debt to creditors is $ 160 million / photo

“Prominvestbank”, owned by the Russian state Corporation “Vnesheconombank”, sued the “Confectionery factory A. V.” plant in the river for the debts under the contract on opening a credit line to 1.37 billion UAH.

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It is reported by Ukrainian Pravda with reference to the decision of the Economic court of Donetsk region.

The court to foreclose on the property, where the industrial workshop factory AVK, as well as basic tools and transport.

Said property within the framework of the execution proceeding will sell at public auction, according to a decision of the court.

According to the state register, the ultimate beneficiaries of “Confectionary factory AVK” Vladimir Avramenko and Valeriy Kravets.

In October 2016 Avramenko stated that “creditors of the company are banks of the country-occupier, and negotiations with them to hard.” According to him, he was ready to cover part of the debt AVK, but what percentage of debt will be able to return to banks, did not elaborate.

“AVK debt to creditors is $ 160 million. But no one is going to pay the debts of the business is destroyed,” – said the businessman.

The AVK company owns three plants in the Dnieper river, Lugansk and Donetsk (control over the last two company’s lost – ed). The total number of employees is 3.5 thousand people.

By 2014, 70% of the revenues of AVC accounted for the Russian market, at which time it held 6% of the market of chocolate products. After the introduction of Russia’s embargo in the same year, the market was completely lost.