Also, the defendant extended the period of detention of 60 days.
The next hearing is scheduled for February 20 / WUXI

In Odessa found a translator for Azerbaijani accused of committed in 2015 the murder of a famous Ukrainian athlete Sergey Lashchenko.

Read cachepot Odessa natives of Azerbaijan staged a massacre, they were detained in the result of large-scale operations

As reported the UNIAN in Malinovsky district court of Odessa, which considered the case, today, January 11, at the hearing was the interpreter for the accused from/into Azerbaijani language.

“In Malinovsky district court on Friday continued to consider criminal proceedings on charges of committing premeditated murder of the master of sports of Ukraine in kickboxing and Thai Boxing Lashchenko,” – said in court.

During a court session declared the indictment, a procedure for and volume of research evidence and examined written evidence.

Also, the defendant extended the period of detention of 60 days. The next hearing is scheduled for February 20.

As UNIAN reported earlier, European champion, master of sports in Thai Boxing Sergey Lashchenko was killed in the night of 8 April 2015 in Odessa, in the hospital №1.

It was reported that a conflict between two groups of people started in the center of the city on Deribasovskaya street. During the showdown shooting occurred, resulting in a health facility were delivered three people injured by firearms, including Lashchenko. After some time in the hospital broke 8 people, one of them started shooting. Then the attackers fled. Lashchenko was fatally wounded in the carotid artery.

On this fact openly criminal proceedings under part 2 St. 115 Criminal code of Ukraine (premeditated murder).

In early February of 2017 to Odessa from Russia was delivered to a suspect in the murder of a sportsman and a citizen of Azerbaijan Babek Damir oglu Hasanov.

Police in may last year, completed the investigation and handed over to Malinovsky district court indictment against Hasanov.

The court for a long time did not start proceedings in connection with the statements of the defendant about the alleged misunderstanding or Ukrainian or Russian languages. The lawyer of the injured parties stated that this is done to tighten the process. Only in February for the defendant has been found, the interpreter, who then refused to participate in the process. From the representative of the injured party the court received the petition, which refers to the fact that the accused puts pressure on translators, threatening with physical violence.