The tragedy in Herlikovice accidents in Kharkiv: the court called the new time of the arrest Zaitseva and DronovaPhoto:
Drones requested to release him under house arrest with an electronic bracelet
19.12.18 213300
At the meeting in the case of a fatal accident in Kharkov, the local court released the results of an additional forensic examination and 60 day extended the detention period of the accused.
Defendants Elena Zaitsev and Gennady drones will remain in custody until February 16, reports “MediaPort”.
Extend to them the measure of restraint had been requested by the prosecutors. Defenders Dronova and Zaitseva objected, requested to apply to the accused a more lenient preventive measure not involving detention. Drones requested to release him under house arrest with an electronic bracelet.
- See ALSO: Life under the wheels. Why is death in the accident go unpunished
Zaitseva backed his defender Julius Trump. Denying the risks mentioned in the prosecution motion, she talked about the health problems of his client.
The victim Igor Barchenko said in court already voiced data about the state Zaitseva.
“As beautiful, the rest – support the Prosecutor,” – said Berchenko.
Recall, October 18, 2017 at nine o’clock in the evening on one of the Central streets of Kharkov there was a terrible accident – SUV Lexus RX 350, at the wheel which was 20-summer Elena Zaitseva, collided with the Volkswagen Touareg and rammed the crowd of people standing at the crosswalk.
As a result of incident five people were killed on the spot, another six were hospitalized. One of the victims later died in hospital.
On 10 October 2018, in Kharkov, the court decided to review the results of a comprehensive examination in the case of a fatal accident.
November 8, one of the victims in the accident refused claims to Elena Zaitseva.
On 4 December the court in the case of a fatal accident in Kharkov has appointed additional examination on the accused Elena Zaitseva.