Michael Covrig
Crisis Group
Chinese authorities detained a former canadian diplomat Michael Kovriga, who is currently a fellow at the Brussels non-governmental organization “international crisis group” (ICG), Reuters reported with reference to informed sources, as well as representatives of MCG. In this organization Covrig is from February 2017, the senior adviser on North-East Asia.
“We are doing everything possible to get more information on the whereabouts of Michael, and to secure his speedy and safe release,” said MCG.
In the period from 2010 to 2016 Covrig worked in the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Canada. At this time he was a diplomat in Beijing, Hong Kong and the headquarters of UN in new York (USA).
In what is suspected detainee in China, a canadian, is currently unknown. The Ministry of foreign Affairs and the Ministry of public security of China do not comment on the incident, said TASS.
The detention of a canadian citizen in China happened shortly after detention in Canada financial Director of a major Chinese company Huawei Meng Wanzhou. It was made by a request for extradition of the Prosecutor’s office of the Eastern district of new York in connection with charges of violating us trade sanctions against Iran. China’s foreign Ministry on Saturday summoned the canadian Ambassador and demanded the immediate release of the top-Manager, who faces a 30-year term of imprisonment, reports the BBC.