2 Oct. Lima. Paolo GUERRERO for Peru national team training before the match with Argentina. Photo: Reuters

The captain and the best scorer of the national team of Peru will miss the final tournament of the world championship.

Paolo Guerrero, 33-year-old captain and top scorer (32 goals in 83 games) against Peru in November for the first time since 1982 published for the world championship, suspended for a year and not arrive at the final tournament of the 2018 world Cup.

This decision was taken by the FIFA disciplinary Committee, after in October the Peruvian striker passed a positive doping test after the match Argentina – Peru (0:0). In the blood of Guerrero found benzoylecgonine – one of the main molecules of cocaine, which is found both in the drug and Coca leaves.

November 3 the captain of Peru temporarily suspended from football activities for 30 days, due to which he missed the play-offs Peruvians with New Zealand, which ended in victory for the South American team.

Guerrero from the very beginning insisted on his innocence, claiming that the banned substance could get into his body, flu medicine, although it is scientifically proven that benzoylecgonine exclusively Coca plant and its derivatives of narcotic substances and is not used in pharmaceuticals.

Soon came the news that traces of cocaine found in the blood of the player do not discovered, and that the source of the emergence of this substance in a doping sample, Guerrero is likely the Coca leaves is a widespread (chewing Coca is a national tradition) in many countries in South America, including Peru, energy stimulant, prohibited anti-doping rules. Peruvian captain denies their use.

After learning about the harsh decision of the disciplinary Committee of FIFA, the attorney for Guerrero, Pedro Fida’, announced the intention to appeal and prove your client’s innocence. “We are surprised and disappointed with the FIFA decision to disqualify the athlete for a year, knowing that his blood was not cocaine… We will appeal and will fight to the end, to achieve justice,” – said in a statement.

Yegor BYCHKOV, Sport-Express