Two years ago, the city of Denver in the us, Colorado has allocated the Panasonic the territory of 160 hectares for the realization of the project “smart infrastructure”. A sample was taken of new urban technologies used in the Japanese city of Fujisawa. The project is far from complete, but interim results can already take.

A key aspect of smart cities is in full control over all processes, for which all infrastructure are provided with sets of sensors. This weather sensors, and surveillance cameras, and access points Wi-Fi, and motion sensors. All connected to a separate regional power supply network, which can work up to 72 hours of battery power failure in the city.

The highlight of Denver – project “the Way X.” Real streets and intersections of the city will be virtual copies, which in real time would be modeled in different situations and means of control over them. Then, for example, drivers can receive on-Board computers, the notification of the prohibition to turn on a specific street, to make there tubes. It’s a lot faster and cheaper than sending a police patrol.

In the end, the situation on the roads smart city of Denver will resemble the work of a well-oiled mechanism. And so it seamlessly integrates French EasyMile, the bus is a robot with Autonomous control, which will start carrying passengers from the local train station in the centre already this year. This idea has no obvious final point and smart city will be improved as long as it is profitable.

Source — Panasonic